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Mung Bean Sprout And Carrot Salad


For some unknown reason my left foot is more wet, then right one. Snow is melting and the street is full of water – not as full as flood, but just enough to get my left foot wet.

People from warm countries imagine the snow beeing beautiful and white – yes, sometimes it’s true, but not always. Right now in our street it’s dirty almost to black, melting to water under our feet.

Bright orange carrots make great contrast to grey winter and mung sprouts are like a message from future spring.
Great for the health and for the mood as well!

They say, that Mung bean Sprouts are rich in proteins and even contain vitamin C, which is not found in the bean before sprouting. I can’t feel protein or vitamin C on my tongue as special ingradient, so I just take it for belief. But what I do taste – mild aroma of coconut and crunchyness of bean sprouts and carrot.

1/2 cup of Mung bean sprouts
1 carrot, grated
1 tablespoon of mustard seeds
1 tablespoon of shredded coconut
1 tablespoon – olive oil
1 tablespoon -lemon juice
1 teaspoon – suggar

In a bowl mix Mung bean sprouts and grated carrots.

Fry mustard seeds on dry frypan untill start to spluter. Take away. Fry shredded coconut untill just starts to get brown. You can fry both mustard seeds and coconut together, if you are able to calculate both beeing ready at the same moment, but it’s risky, as I frying time is not the same.

In small bowl whisk lemon juice with salt and suggar, add olive oil and whisk, then add fried mustard seeds and coconut. Mix with carrots – bean sprouts. Leave in the fridge for 30 minutes.

With this post I am taking part in Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Honest Vanilla

adopted from Quick and Easy Recipes, Mung Bean Sprout Salad   

3 thoughts on “Mung Bean Sprout And Carrot Salad

  • Really nice blog. Your picture of Mung Bean Sprout Salad makes me want to have go for this Salad more regularly. Thanks for posting this! – Hema

  • Thanks for visiting, Hema, and thanks for inspiration

  • Hi Dalia,
    It is good to see you again. Your Bean Sprout and Carrot Salad looks delicious. Your cake that you posted today looks very good too, but I can’t read the recipe. I would love to invite you to bring a dish to my Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are doing well and staying warm.
    Best Wishes,
    Miz Helen

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